LuckyFirefly's Profile

Joined on Jun 26, 2013
Status Level: Senior
LuckyFirefly's Quizzes
- Would I Date You?[published: Jul 24, 2015, 1 comment]
Okay, I've seen plenty of other users make quizzes like this, so I figured it was time I hopped on the band……
- Destiny Part 1: Alone[published: Oct 05, 2013, 3 comments]
The four clans have always existed together, balancing light and dark, good and evil, order and chaos. But……
- How well do you REALLY know me?[published: Aug 06, 2013, 3 comments]
I know I already made a quiz like this but consider this an update on it. New questions,……
- All About Sammy[published: Jun 26, 2013]
There are lots of people in the world, but none like Sammy. My little cousin is crazy, fun, cute, and not afraid……
LuckyFirefly's Recent Posts
"hey I'm really sorry about this but my parents and I have been talking about a lot of the stuff that's been going on and how upset I got las..."
"It's good that you're standing up for yourself, but talking back to them may be a better idea than physically harming someone."
"-homework sucks, you have my sympathy -gotta ignore the a--holes -why?? -aww I'm sorry D: -you're just too fabu"
"My day was actually horrible, but I don't have too much homework and I'm home now so I hope it will get better ^^ Why was yours so ba"
"I'm gonna try and have a good day school sucked. like a lot but that doesn't mean the rest of the day has too ^^ I'm ki"
"ahh hey hey I'm so so so sorry about last night I feel really bad for worrying you I promise I'm okay now and I won't do it again I got rid ..."
"I love you so so so so so so much how was your day? I hope it wasn't too bad bby Lovino blushed rather fiercely, turning to f"
"I'm sorry I'll actually respond to the rp when I get home j'adore beaucoup sweetheart"
"Hey hey I love you too so so much mental cuddles bby"
"hey hey I love you I hope this didn't ruin your day baby I'm really sorry"
"hey I'm so sorry the school has gtq blocked now for some reason so I can only get on when I have good connection I'm really sorry"
"okay okay I love you too I love you so so much I wish I could hug you right now"
"I am, I promise you I won't do that ever again, okay? I love you too, are you okay baby?? I'm sorry I know I scared you but it's okay now"
"i just didn't wantt you to know please don't be scared sweetheart i promise this is all gonna be okay"
"i'm so sorry i feel horriblle for doing this ii wish honey didnmt tell you im so sprry i promise I'll bbbe okay im okay I love you so much b..."
LuckyFirefly's Recent Quiz Comments
"100 percent on the first try omg
that last question ahhh u cutie"1 -
"I just want to point out that none of the answers to the first question are correct."
1 -
"Well, right now I'm feeling a bunch of different things. I'm frustrated that me and my dad can't seem to get along no matter how hard…"
1 -
"This quiz isn't very accurate. Everyone got the same thing."
1 -
"I'm not in here! DX But cool quiz!"
1 -
"Very accurate!!"
1 -
"Thanks! "
1 -
"Kits! Yay!
Names: Rabbit; Gear; Shimmer; Plum; Scorch
Gender: Female; Male; Female; Female; MaleFur: White; light gray;…"
1 -
"Aw, thank you so much guys!! :,)"
1 -
"Three! Just what I want. Twin girls and a boy two years younger. :)
Girls: Ava and Katie
Boy: Benjamin or Peter"1