1x1: Starstruck
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: 1x1: Starstruck
"That was... perfect, Evan," he said, his voice slightly breathy and laced with laughter. Watching the other for a moment only increased his laughter, so much that he didn't notice his manager until she was in the room and next to his bed.
"Having fun?" she asked. Of course, she was plenty serious, but there may have been just a slight edge of amusement in her voice. She smiled a bit and looked at Evan, obviously in a better mood than she'd been the night before. "When you finish eating and... whatever you're doing, come down to room 424." With that, she was gone, off to tend to some other issue.
Alex didn't trust himself to take a sip of coffee yet, but he was definitely starting to calm down again. "Always wanted to do that. If you think we should make it up to her in some way, we can." -
Evan sobered up quickly, sitting up straight and trying to look less like a giggling idiot, though the bright smile lingering on his face betrayed him. Still, he at least made a halfhearted attempt to straighten his shirt. He didn't want Alex's manager to think he was completely unprofessional.
He nodded in agreement to what she said, quickly burning the room number 424 into his memory. He called a quick thanks after her, glad she seemed less uptight today.
Once he was gone, he realized that he'd totally forgotten about his food. The now room-temperature omelette sat untouched on its plate, and it struck Evan once again how utterly focused on Alex and only Alex he'd been. He picked up a fork and took a few bites, swallowing before shaking his head in response to the singer. "Nah, she deserves whatever meltdown she's having right now." He chuckled, sipping his coffee. "Feel free to call her back at any time though, I'm sure you'll get some amusement out of that." -
"I'm surprised you guys are friends. You don't seem the type to... well," he said, almost laughing at it again. He took a bit of the omelette and chewed thoughtfully. "I don't really want to call her back, but I do have a few backstage passes available if you think she'd enjoy that." He took a sip of his coffee, then looked down at the other's hip, where the badge was clipped. "I think the next concert is a few hours from here, but I don't remember for sure."
Sorry for such a late post! My internet's been really s---ty lately, but we got a new router set up so I should be good for now ^^
Evan shrugged admitting that Alex did have a point. It was fairly clear that he and Amanda were very different, and that they didn't always get along. "She moved next door to me when we were seven, we grew up together. He shrugged again, smiling fondly. "And when she's not obsessing over your eyes, she's actually pretty cool." He added, before taking another few bites of his breakfast. He perked up at the offer of backstage passes, nodding. "Yeah, yeah, that would be great actually. Would three be doable? Her best friend and boyfriend are both practically attached to her," he explained with a small chuckle. -
i am so disappointed. you took 87.5 years
"Yeah, that'd be totally fine. We can ask later. I'd love to meet them," he said with a smile, then took another bite. He couldn't deny that a pang of jealously hit him at the thought of growing up next door to Evan. Even though he hardly knew the other, it was obvious he was the type of guy Alex would've loved growing up with. Then again, having a regular childhood would've been nice, too. He found himself slightly envious at the thought of his new friend having everything so... normal. Fame was exhausting, and he'd reached a point with his that meant he'd probably never really escape it. There was no denying that the celebrity would trade everything he had for an average house, average childhood, average group of friends. He hid it well as he took a drink of his coffee. -
well in that case i look great for my age
Evan nodded, oblivous to his companion's sudden mixed feelings. He took a long sip of his coffee, enjoying the little zing of caffeine before replying enthusiastically. "Oh yeah, that would be really cool. They'd all love to meet you too, even Amanda's boyfriend is a little obsessed," he said with a laugh, although it faded quickly, his smile changing from one of amusement to one of interest. "Um, I really don't mean to pry at all, and this is gonna make me sound like a total dick, but do you have any friends? I-I mean because you travel so much." He bit his lip, hoping he hadn't offended the other in his attempt to continue the conversation. -
2 hawt
Alex frowned, then took another drink of his coffee. He had no desire to finish the omelette. "Most of my friends from when I was little ended up interested in the fame, nothing else. I didn't go to an actual high school, so I don't have anyone from that, either. I have some other celebrity friends, though that's mostly publicity...," he trailed off, then started listing names, adding personal commentary every now and then. "So... yes and no. Kind of. I want more normal friends. I don't want it to seem like I'm stealing you from your friends, or like I'm stealing them from you, but I trust your judgement of people and really want to get to know them. I mean, if Amanda stops screaming constantly." -
good morning ^^
oh and congrats on becoming a mod btw :D
When Alex frowned, Evan's smile disappeared, and the more he said, the more Evan wished he hadn't asked. It was sad. Evan's childhood hadn't been easy, but he had always had friends there for him. It didn't sound like there had ever been a time like that for the singer. When he said something about 'stealing' Evan, he quickly shook his head in protest. "No, no, you're not stealing anyone. They'll still text me fifty times a day, and there's no reason you shouldn't meet them. Although the screaming thing might be a problem..." he trailed off with a small shrug and tiny smile, taking the last few bites of his omelette and finishing his coffee. Suddenly he jumped, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. "Oh, oh, how much was breakfast?" He asked, not wanting to seem rude and assume that Alex or his manager would pay for it. -
goooood morning
and thank you c:
"Good. But yeah, the screaming... if we can get her used to the idea before the concert, that'd be great. I could send her a private message on Twitter, but the requires me to follow her... text her and tell her not to make a big deal out of it, maybe?" Alex grinned a bit, reaching for his phone. He was glad that the entire event would probably go well. He needed more friends, especially if they weren't in on it just for his fame. Then again, it might not work if she seemed to know him better than he did...
He shook his head when Evan pulled out his wallet. "No, don't worry. That sort of stuff is covered by the tour. You don't have to pay for that. Remember, you're an employee now. Well... you will be in a few hours. Really, don't worry about it." -
you're welcome ^^ I'm glad Maru made that thread, i think you were a good choice
Evan thanked him sheepishly and tucked his wallet away. That was a good thing, because the way his old job paid, he'd be lucky if he could afford room service at such a fancy hotel. He pushed his glasses up and nodded, pulling out his phone when Alex mentioned texting Amanda. "Good idea. I promise she's actually pretty cool when she's calm." He wasn't surprised to find countless more twitter notifications as he turned it on and unlocked it, sending a quick text to Amanda and then telling Alex her twitter user. As much as he would've loved to stay and talk to the blonde all day, he decided that since they both seemed done he should probably head down to the interview soon. -
thanks i keep thinking i'm going to accidentally post as a mod though just because i always hide my posts? they're right next to each other
"Hey, do you mind if you go to the interview on your own? I needed to talk to my manager about something, but you'll be fine." He followed Amanda and sent her a private message, saying hey and then asking her not to brag about him following her. Alex took his coffee with him as they left the room, getting a response from the girl almost immediately. -
i'mmso sotrry can i replyn tomorrow?
yeah, just saw your thread in the lounge i'm so sorry man if you need to talk to me you can def email neonpinetree[@]gmail.com
holy f--- I'm so sorry oh my god I didn't mean to respond like that I'm sorry, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to type a real reply. Thank you for the concern though, it really means a lot and I just might take you up on that offer ^^;
Amanda's response was enthusiastic, to say the least, lots of capital letters and heart emojis. Evan was less excited, but he was technically here to work and knew that Alex probably didn't have time to talk all day. "Sure, yeah," he agreed, quickly flashing a slightly forced smile before rising from the bed with a small sigh. "I'll see you later, then," he said with a quick little nod, before stepping out into the elaborately decorated hallway, trying to remember the room number for the interview as he headed for the elevator.
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