Soap soap soap?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:29pm
Thread Topic: Soap soap soap?
Cameron glared at all of the weapons. If he really had to take one, he would take one that could also be used for less barabaric purposes. He snatched up a dagger with a serrated edge, tucking it into a waist sheath and wrapping the leather thing arouns his waist.
Marcus let out a small exhale of relief. He was worried Cameron was going to argue with him, but it looked like a fight had been avoided. "Let's go then." He told him, slipping out of the tent and jogging quickly yet quietly towards the edge of the camp.
Cameron followed right behind him, tucking his arms close to his chest with balled fists to keep the contraptions on him from catching in the wind and dragging him back.
Just as Marcus set one foot outside of the camp borders, a loud gong rang out. It was the alarm; someone must've noticed Cameron was gone. "Run!" He ordered, grabbing the other boy's wrist and dragging him forward.
Cameron tried to run; he really did. But his legs just weren't used to much of anything that involved being on the ground. Marcus was trying to run a lot faster than Cameron could, so the Dragon boy pulled away from his grasp. "You go!" He instructed, and without a second thought, bolted to the nearest tree and scaled up it.
Marcus watched until he was a safe distance up the tree. He ran until he came to a thicker patch of trees and waited. He could hear the angry group of men shouting, and see the lights of their torches. They could easily set Cameron's tree slight if they saw him. Marcus closed his eyes and hoped that the Dragon boy would remain invisible.
Cameron held his breath, staying completely still when he reached the highest sturdy branch he could reach. The men below were looking for him with torches, and all too late, he remembered his hair. If the other tribes people had the idea to look up, Cameron's hair would be a dead giveaway. But if he tried to move around to cover his hair, he'd make too much noise.
Fate was apparently not with Marcus and Cameron that day, because one of the men chose to glance up. The streaks of color in the dragon boy's hair made him easy to see. "There he is!" The man shouted. Without thinking, Marcus ran forward. He had to stop them from killing Cameron. He had already freed him, he couldn't just let him be caught again.
Cameron's heart stopped when he heard the man down below. He had nowhere to escape to; the other trees were to far apart to jump to them, and he obviously couldn't fly away. He saw Marcus rushing out from the tree line, and took in another sharp breath.
The man raised his torch, ready to set the tree alight with flames. Marcus tackled him, forcing the torch away from Cameron's tree. Luckily there were only about five other men. Not great odds, but at least it wasn't the whole tribe's men. "Cameron, climb down and get as far from here as you can." He called up, hoping he would hear and obey. He just needed to hold them off long enough for him to escape...
Cameron didn't hesitate for more than a second to rush back down the tree. About five feet off the ground, he jumped away, and as soon as he hit the ground ran as fast as he could, despite his lack of capability.
"After him!" His father roared. The man jumped up and nodded, running swiftly after Cameron. Marcus cursed and faced his father and the other men. "Leave him alone, please Father. He's a human being, just like us. He doesn't deserve to be locked up." "He deserves to die, like the rest of his people!" The furious man replied.
Gtg, sorry!)
(Sorry I left so early, it was already late at night for me and I fell asleep .~.)
Cameron knew someone was chasing him. Someone obviously much faster than him, having regularly spent time on the ground. The dagger was boucing against Cameron's hip in its sheath, and he knew he had to use it. He pulled it out, and stopped in his tracks, spinning around to face the man and point the tip of the blade accusingly at him. He didn't want to kill the man, but if he didn't back off, self defense was a fair card to play for Cameron. -
That's okie!)
The man growled and pulled out a knife of his own, slowly advancing on the dragon boy. He hadn't run very fast, so catching up to him hadn't been much of a problem.
"No, he doesn't!" Marcus protested. "He's a human being like us!" "Get out of here then, you traitor." His father spat. "If I ever see you here again I'll kill you." The way he spoke made it clear that he was serious. Marcus was banished.
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