Thread Topic: alexithymia
Don't blame you if you do disappear for a bit, take as much time as you need
Thanks :)
Anyway break over I think
This is why I hate the Christmas season it’s the forced happiness for the sake of “Christmas cheer”
Also I was having dinner with my fam and the conversation shifted to trump for some reason my uncle tried to advocate for him but the way his fiancé shut him down so quickly like everyone (my mum, grandpa and my aunt/his fiancé) at the table was like “dude stfu” -
Yay you're baaack
Real Christmas season is so fake cheerful
Bro how are yall talking about trump you guys live across the world xD -
Fr it just makes everything more miserable
We were talking about the olympics and then how the Europeans and Americans are going to hate our country and then America in general and then American politics- my grandpa just started s---ting on trump lmfao -
Phhhht okay man- help that's so funny everyone in my extended family are a bunch of trumpers lol -
Help damn lol my aunt just gave my uncle this look like “you are not supporting this man stfu”
help that's sooo funny-
Lmao yeahhh
If Peter Dutton becomes prime minister next year I’m going to lose it
I shouldn’t be worried about my rights nobody should and yet here we are -
Like first it was trump and now it could be Dutton
Dutton obviously isn’t nearly as bad as trump but he is anti-abortion (from what I’ve seen but the liberal party is known for being anti abortion) and anti-trans so yay ig -
(wait hold on liberals are the anti abortion transphobes in your area? Here it's the exact opposite) That sucks, no one should have to worry about their rights getting restricted
(Yeah labour is the all-inclusive not transphobic one and liberal is the not sigma one ;-;) yeah it’s just like what are we going here I want those “there’s a hole in your budget dear labour dear labour” ads to come back not the freaking trans jokes
(huh that's silly) realllll- like when did politics get so stupidly social
(They both just lowkey suck like the liberal party has the worst social views and the policies the labour party has put in place are just dumb) fr like since when did denying us basic human rights become cool
Why are leap years in general s---ty years
Like 2020 we had COVID and s--- and this year all the celebs are getting exposed for being rudey patooties and politics is going to s--- like what is going on
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