Thread Topic: alexithymia
idk much about economic situations, but I do know that gas prices and inflation was better before Biden got elected, but it's hard to tell whether that's because of Biden or just because everything's getting more expensive everywhere (from what I know) and i genuinely don't know, but it happens a lot (I'm in one of the states where it happens a lot more than normal unfortunately lol)
sO tHeN wHy aRe pEoPlE sAyInG iT wAs bEtTeR wHeN tRuMp wAs EleCtEd- it’s so dumb when there’s no people in your country there’s nobody giving the economy money stop driving people out of your countryyy
bEcaUSE iT WaS, people just don't know for sure why that's the case, so people who agree with the social reasons behind Trump hide behind the economic reasons, and then convince more people to vote for him by showing them the economic stats over the past 10 or so years- exactly, my class in AP Geo learned that if it wasn't for immigrants, America would have a VERY low population declining more and more each year (kinda like Japans population decline over the years). Regardless of how you view immigrants, you can't deny the statistics behind American population and the economic profit from that
uGh that’s so stupid omg learn about the person you’re voting for- now I’m like 80% sure trump isn’t a real person and just wants to see how much s--- he can do and still be elected and in power like this has to be a joke
most people I've talked to that support trump do it bc of the economic reasons because "his social views are illegal so he'd be in jail" (*cough* yeah by the time it's too late and also he's already been in jail that aint gonna stop him)
Yeah it's all a big f---ing nightmare -
He’s a pedo towards his own daughter of course his social views are illegal- dude the few people I’ve talked to that defend trump because I don’t swing like that have just plain denied all his social views like girl no
(And he’s s t i l l in power why are people like this) -
Exactly- bro how you gonna deny them lol (dude everyone here is a trumper istg)
(ikr like guys what are we doing-) -
Idkkk my history teacher literally said “I know he’s a pervert, racist, and sexist, but he’s good for the economy :)” and you-know-who just plain denied them I was gobsmacked (there are trumpers in the wild here too they’re just not as vocal about their opinions lol)
(This can’t be real because no way that many people would vote for something like that) -
That's wild bro (dang that's better than tHoSe neighbors with the "make america great again" flags on their windows tho)
(a s--- ton of people here had ballots voting for Kamala but they didn't care enough to submit them. A lot of my friends houses still have their parents fully signed ballots on their counter voting for her. It makes me wonder if the real reason he won is simply because of how many people were apathetic towards the election this year) -
Fr (it is way better and America was never great in the first place people here hate it with every fibre of their being)
(I feel like we were all like “nah this guy isn’t going to win its impossible” because why in the heckity would he win then he goes and d o e s win and we’re all like “bro wtf”) -
(real- America was never great we just got worse at hiding it due to broadcasting and widespread media)
(everyone (at least in this state) knew he was going to win) -
(I mean every country has their ups and downs but really America really)
(I mean that’s how we were here lol, at least the Kamala supporters here were like “ain’t no way”) -
(phhhht realll)
(nah even kamala supporters here knew he'd win, we just wanted to be optimistic) -
(That’s so dumb ugh why would a convicted felon be in power)
(when in america I guess)
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