Thread Topic: alexithymia
(I say as if every government isn’t like that (they are))
Nvm a TikTok employee shut it down apparently
Now Mr beast is joking around about buying it -
I might just stop trying with my dad jeez he’s just as bad as my mum when it comes to anger issues
Were the a--hole jock boys anyone else’s reason for quitting sport
I’m getting flashbacks -
Yup, that's why the only sport I play now is softball lol
Frr and they’re always the kids failing school with no future and no friends like
Nah bro they're always the rich kids where I'm from so they have fake friends and a good future it's so annoying
Here they’re always the ones failing school lmfao. If you’re rich here you’re going to one of those “really good” Christian private schools not a crappy public school
Same here but they're rich as f--- so they get away with it and manage to make it the teachers fault. All the private schools here are known for being either A) too smart for those kids or B) too disgustingly awful to the students
Damn dude here there aren’t really rich kids they’re all going to private schools that don’t require an entrance exam
Ohhhh makes sense
Wtf was that storm
There’s just been constant lightning out my window for 10 minutes what
At least the thunder has moved on but good god that was scary -
Anywho therapy today
Anyone have any tips for looking more masculine but without jackets/baggy clothes
It’s way too hot here and I’m going uniform shopping tomorrow but I want the boy’s uniform so I need to look masc looking so the homophobic uniform shop ladies think I’m a boy lmao -
Shoes can help spice up gendered stuff, I like the platform stuff like doc martins and platform vans/converse. They help you look taller and a lot of the times they have fun designs that spice up usually gendered looks
I wear patterns a lot bc then peoples first impressions are "wow that's a strange outfit" instead of "wow thats a girl", so stuff like flannels and striped stuff (plus if you were horizontal striped shirts it tends to hide the chEst lol)
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