Thread Topic: alexithymia
It’s genuinely funny how uneducated dutton + trump supporters are
My mum got me a Wicked mug because my sister broke my emotional support mug from my grandma
It’s not my favourite mug in the world but it’s cute and I appreciate the sentiment and I’ll probably be using it every day -
It’s not one of tHoSe merch mugs it’s black with gold and white decorations
I’m trying so hard to distance myself from this half friend but it’s so hard
It makes me feel bad bc she reaches out and is nice to me and offers to do things for me and over text it’s fine we’re all good but in person it’s just ugh
Idk it’s probably just us not being compatible as friends and it’s just kinda mean things she says and does it’s hard to explain
But I don’t feel very comfortable with her and usually distancing myself works but the fact she continues to reach out makes me feel so bad because it’s like “oh she actually likes me and wants to be my friend” but I don’t want to be friends with her and I feel like a bad person for being picky with my friends -
I was legit an idiot for trying to explain basic empathy to a trump supporter like
I am still mad about this I know it’s petty but like ughhh
And over here we have temu trump and the government of my state wants to stop funding the QCGS (queensland children’s gender service) and it’s all just s--- -
I signed the petition to stop the government’s s--- about the QCGS tho so let’s hope it gets to 5000 signatures
Anyway this year I’m gonna try and be as friendly as I can and hope someone wants to be my friend lmao. The way I got most of my friends last year was them looking at me and going “oh a gender neutral shorty imma try and be friends with them” (according to them) so maybe it’ll happen again idk -
Thank god I get one more day of holidays (my school does this weird thing where on the first day it’s only grade 7s and seniors so they can settle in or whatever) but my sister is starting high school today (she’s gonna be such an annoying 7th grader) and I can’t be there with her on her first day ughhh
We brainstormed answers together if anyone asks why she’s a baldie like “I ran out of shampoo” so hopefully kids don’t give her a hard time about it -
How has this girl already made friends omfg
New insecurity unlocked
If Dutton wins next election I’m actually gonna do it istg
Anyway I’m gonna go to bed -
I’m getting a tummy ache from nervousness goddamn
At least it’s not nausea -
Everyone is gonna die anyway so can we all just be nice to each other
Like can we call just stop calling each other cringe and stop being horrible to each other it is not that deep and one day none of us will be alive so like what is the point
Now that that’s out of the way nightcore is actually fire and you’re all wrong
The Queensland government has halted hormone therapy for trans minors
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