Thread Topic: alexithymia
I’d wear my platform converse but they’re full of rainbows lmfao
I’ll probably put a flannel overshirt over a masculine looking weird shirt I have. Tysm lol -
Ohhhh fair
Oooo fun. No prob, sorry I don't have more tips and tricks lol -
Dw about it I just need more clothes xD all my clothes scream depressed gay emo
Help that's so real- I have the most random mix of indie art kid and preppy popular girl which makes the genderbending outfits much easier to make lol
oh also if you have rings without gems in them that could potentially make your hands look more masc. Idk how true it is, it's just a thing I've heard other trans masc people say -
Help slay- I always manage to make myself look emo idk what it is
Oo good to know lol -
hey emos are cool bro embrace it lol
Fr emos are awesome
hell yeah
Success chat I got the boys shorts
I had to like ask for them but I got them so yipee
It’s so totally fun gaslighting my parents
I got the girls uniform last year with them then went back on my own after like 2 weeks to get the boys uniform with my own money without them knowing and they didn’t notice me just wearing the boys uniform lmao
I’m not telling them because then I’ll get the whole “oH wE cOuLdVe DoNe iT” lecture but I know for a fact they would not have back then -
Plus it was with my own money so it’s not like I’m an a--hole liar or smth
I hope people don’t find me annoying. I mean I know my pookies don’t bc I get reassurance from them a lot but just other people. Especially here
I’m getting flashbacks to that sleepover last year
My sister’s having her first one tomorrow
Ugh that sleepover sucked
I was too scared to say anything so I had to lie to ky then friend and say it was great. The first third was great but after 9 I got so overwhelmed and overstimulated
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