Thread Topic: alexithymia
I'm so sorry. That sucks, and you didn't do anything wrong
It’s fine. Idk I really thought the friendship would last, especially with you know who but we’re here now. Thanks
Yeah, that was really odd for it just to go kaboom like that
Yeah if sucked. But yk what’s done is done
Yeah. I'm sorry it happened
It’s fine, it’s not your fault
Why do people have so many horror stories about this halfway friend I have omg
If I mention any of the things she supposedly did here I will get banned
“This school is the best school in the state” my ass this is the most wild school I’ve ever been at -
Even if it’s not true how do people make this stuff up
oooop wtaf
Public schools are crazy man
I like staying in bed till like 11 because then I have to endure less of the day
I meant to add a “lmao” at the end of that
bro i freak out if im not awake before 10
For me the day doesn’t start until I’m out of bed so I will prolong it for as long as possible because I know I’m not going to be productive anyway
Fair enough. For me I feel like I can't afford to waste any days in my bed, but I also have a dog I have to take care of the second I wake up lmao
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