Thread Topic: alexithymia
Why are people so horrible like all the hate in the world is for no reason can we all just be nice to others please
Why can’t people just let people live their f---ing lives good lord
I hate this world so much people made it bad and now it’s stuck that way because stupid people have power and stupid people are stupid
Hopefully I find someone else next year when school starts again
I also don’t know if I want to be in the musical or not it ends in term 2 so it’s only like half the year but idk if I want to take that on every Wednesday afternoon and sometimes sundays for something I may or may not enjoy
I’m just more hesitant to quit because I don’t want to have a bad impression on any of the music teachers like I wanna look like I’m dedicated and ready for a bigger role in the future so the chances could be higher but then again I know my voice isn’t really yet ready for any of the parts I do want in any musicals
Plus idrk anyone also in the chorus of this musical so either I find a lil group or I don’t and just am lonely for all rehearsals which isn’t ideal -
I’ve been kinda using my emotions and thoughts as documentation for my MoodTracker like I mark a day as awful but that just means my thoughts and emotions were bad but not connected to what happened that day. Bc what happens in my days haven’t been bad it’s just the thoughts I have in them
I have to like rate the day on a scale of awesome to awful so I’ve been doing that based on feelings that day not like rating the day itself
(please stay out of my friend's thread, especially when you're just going to say something like this.)
Wait I was asleep what did they do lmao-
Thanks clueless :) -
np :)
there was some troll going into ppls threads telling them to off themselves and saying other very out of pocket stuff-
hence why i popped in bc srsly, who tf thinks it's a funny idea to say that to anyone, like bruh- -
Damn that’s wild-
I always wonder what goes through those people’s heads lmao like why -
I hate being forced into family time I don’t want dinner at 3pm
three pm? that's f---in' wack, like actually-
i could never, i always have to eat at specific times or else i'm just skipping the meal and just waiting until the next one lmaoo
well, depends on if i'm wanting to make food for myself or anything- -
Yeah I didn’t end up eating till a few hours later
I get wanting family time but I don’t enjoy it if it’s forced and end up leaving halfway through the movie lol -
At least I don’t feel guilty for resting today because I went to bed at 2am lmao
Ok but cutting old friendship bracelets after cutting off a friendship is so therapeutic
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