Thread Topic: alexithymia
(Alright, I just know that sometimes saying that hurts more than it helps and I don't want to do that so if you ever want me to shut up tell me :) Yeah it sucks. I used to do puzzles a lot when I was having depressive episodes a few years ago, maybe that would help you out?)
(You’re all good. Puzzles are good, I might get one a couple weeks after Christmas since yk, since all the ones in my house are broken or have missing pieces)
(makes sense. If you ever need a project to distract yourself, my family used to do a bunch of hard puzzles and then modge podge them or whatever and frame them and hang them on walls. It's stupid but it's fun and distracting)
(Yeah. That sounds cool)
(yeah, and it helps kill time when you don't want to be alone with your mind)
(Yeah. I’ll look into getting some puzzles soon, thanks)
Ew not trump’s speech about trans people coming up on my fyp
I’m so disgusted by that orange b---- and everyone who voted for him brother ew get away from me
And since Australia has no mind of its own we’ll probably just start copying America so we’re all screwed -
My coping tool is making crappy gay furry art of trump
I’m finished my gay furry art of trump
first off omg slay post it on pinterest second off agreed
Help ok I did
Christmas lunch is good
We’re all just kinda hanging out since it’s been like 2 hours and I didn’t feel bad about eating so Christmas this year has been pretty good -
Ugh now I know what happens when I don’t take care of myself after a long social gathering
Ew people suck
Ew the crippling loneliness is getting to me again
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