Thread Topic: alexithymia
I don't get it either, I think it's just a quality most universalizing religions have to make it more UniVerSaL
yeah (i mean technically it's not since it just says not to do sExUaL stuff until you're married, but then people started getting iffy about gay people getting married once that got legalized, and the a FaMiLy ProCLaMaTioN came out and went "f--- you queers marriage is between a mAn and a wOmAn and gEnDEr iS eSSenTiaL, whatever that means so ha") (Noooo bc Charlie Bird gets to go to heaven without meeeee) -
That’s just making people be Christian out of fear tho like that’s not the point of religion unless it is idk-
(Goddamn it family proclamation what the freak- makes sense but ugh you can’t erase centuries of gae people because a book told you to even the ancient Egyptians were f---ing gay then the Christians came along and went “f--- that haha”) (I don’t know who that isssss but we’re atheists anywayyyyy so it might just be jester style where we haunt the livingggg) -
Yeah. It's just dum lol
(the christians had gay s--- in their bibles but after a ton of mistranslations most of them are removed lmaooo) (he's a gay mormon and he's amazing and my therapist made me read his book Without the Mask and it's amazing lmao) -
(That’s so stoopid just let people be gay goddam it) (ohh slay lol we love)
Chat what do I do to distract myself from my crippling depression
3D printed s--- is my current addiction, so that might help you out
3D printed s--- is cool but expensive dude
fair- my biology teacher makes 3D printed s--- so I get to fidget with a lot of it when I'm having a MoMenT
Slay lol. I don’t know anyone with a 3D printer but that stuff is cool
it's so cool aughhh
How do I get this feeling to stop
I haven’t experienced true friendship in so long and now I’ve lost the one person I felt safe with like whoopdeedoo how do I come back from that
Ik im venting about this too much but idk what to do with these emotions they just keep eating at me and idk how to get it to stop
Just the feeling of constant crippling loneliness I want to feel happy and loved for once like everyone else can because they have caring friends and friend groups and good people surrounding them but when I want that the world is like “haha no deal with it lolz” -
Removed her from my follower list because seeing her name sends me into a spiral lolz
So close to snapping and doing it but that’s not sigma is it
Anywho I definitely need another therapy session but three weeks is a long wait -
Please don't do it
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