Thread Topic: alexithymia
It’s not like I’m not out to my mum’s side of the family I guess I just haven’t officially come out
Like my parents use my new name and pronouns like 65% of the time and that doesn’t change when we’re with family, but the extended family hasn’t caught on yet lol
It’s always so dysphoric like no I’m not an Egyptian city anymore I’m a mental illness (alexithymia lmao I’m so funny) -
help that's so real- that was me last spring, my poor grandpa didn't know wtf was going on
Help damn lmao, I don’t think my aunt and uncle have even noticed
my dads side started noticing bc my softball team called me lucas so then they were all like "hold up something aint right who tf is lucas-" so just hire a bunch of people to call you alexi or something
That’s awesome lmao- good plan xD
Yeah- exactly, you can't go wrong with a bunch of paid people
Exactly lmaoo
Everybody’s falling in love and I’m falling behind
me too bestie me too
How does everyone already know what to do like fym you’ve had your first kiss and have 10 best friends (I’m chronically single and lonely don’t mind me lmao)
in my experience most kids with 10 best friends have them because they have a different personality around them, or they just don't know the difference between a good friend and a best friend. It's definitely weird tho, seeing so many people so good at being social and rOmaNtiC and s---
It’s just weird because how do you know how to do all this like how do you know how to be social and talk to people and keep friends it’s probably just me but I don’t remember being taught this
I wasn't really taught it either. I tend to just throw myself fully into friendships if I think it's worth it, and then if it works out for me then yay and if it doesn't than oop, but it's gotten me into much more s---ty friendships than good ones
Yeah fair. I just don’t know how people can do it so easily I’ve somehow fallen behind
it's not easy. It's just a bunch of trial and error. the people who do it easily normally only have 2 or 3 real friends
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