Thread Topic: alexithymia
I feel so alone and I felt so alone in that moment
I’m convinced my sister is in some kind of tween cult lmao
Aren't they all-
Honestly fair
Like 50% of my old vent thread was about my mum what
Anyway. I feel like I’m paralysed. Like I can’t so anything. Like I’m hyperaware of every second that passes of me not doing something but I still just can’t do something -
Can someone tell my mum that two things can exist at the same time and that she can be tired at the same time as someone else for completely different reasons and that the other person stating they are also tired does not make them selfish or mean they are belittling the other person’s tiredness
Why am I more productive at 9pm at night instead of during the day
Again the paralysis -
i'm not trying to self diagnose you or anything, but I'm pretty sure that's considered ADHD paralysis
Yeah I figured as much. I’ll look into that
I am so mad right now omfg
“Trump being transphobic is a myth” stfu stfu stfu -
I’m honestly glad we’re not best friends anymore if she believes that
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