"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
i’m quite annoyed i won’t be on for five days, which really sucks…
tell me how you feel about me,
do you like or like-like me?
tell me what you really feel,
do you like me?
just, say you do~ -
why am i on my period again?!
it’s not even been a f---ing month!!!!! -
i literally was like, just on it,
and now it’s happening- AGAIN- -
sometimes i hate being a woman, bc of things like having periods :’)
hating on my body rn >:(
i’m actually abt to c r y :’)
like, wtaf, why is it starting again? i’m gonna be walking around and stuff, i don’t need cramps :’) -
i’m gonna actually lose my s----
i’m srsly so f---ing pissed, why did it have to be this week? :’)
i want to cry. again. for like, the, what, 6th, 7th time this week??
so my week was pretty much dogs----
same girl who i felt uncomfortable with brought her vape again (not f---ing surprised), and thank god she went home early, woke up feeling sick and was sent home. but then i find out that another girl in our group had a vape on her as well. and then i find out that my best friend, someone who i thought i could trust, was also vaping with the two other girls. she didn’t bring her own, but she was doing it with them. and i just- i was so overwhelmed, and confused, and hurt, i- i just want to crawl into a hole and rot away… -
oh my gosh sunny that’s awful i’m so sorry :(
it’s tough when you think someone agrees with you on smth and then they’re doing something behind ur back :( -
and like, the thing is, she knew i wasn’t comfortable with the fact that she vapes/had vaped before. but like, i don’t hate her, i literally love her so much, it’s just- after all this, and she wanted my phone number? i just did not feel comfortable with giving it to her just yet. i srsly do love her to death, she’s one of my best friends, but i need time to think and i need to set boundaries because that stuff makes me so uncomfortable and i don’t want my mom to think that i myself have ever done anything like that- bc i haven’t, i swear-
ohh yeah i gotcha
yeah, that’s totally valid, girl
setting boundaries is a really good thing- especially for friendships and relationships with people who are close to you.
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