"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
i’ll definitely lyk, ty :)
it just pisses me off bc she judges me for so many things… -
I feel you man, parents be parents ig. She shouldn’t be judging you
she comes back tomorrow afternoon- i need this day to be quick and painless, or else i’m quitting at life-
that is exactly what i meant by quitting, please don’t think it’s anything else- please, i was /j :’)
idk why but i fee like i either always get left out (not like, on purpose) or i just, don’t put in enough effort in my friendships (IK THIS SOUNDS BAD, but lemme explain a little-)
like, i feel like whenever i’m with a friend (usually my bsf), and one of our friends (who i met thru them), they usually end up chatting along abt smth while i’m just kind, sat there twiddlin’ my thumbs. (quite literally this is what i do, it’s a nervous tic i think-) and like, it may just be because i’m really f---in’ bad at social interactions? and like, whenever i’m talking to said bsf while we’re walking, and then another person joins the conversation, i feel like i basically get sent to the back of the line (NEVER ON PURPOSE- ngl, i may be the one doing this to myself-) and i just- idk…
i just wish i wasn’t like, myself… -
i hope to god my mom hasn’t put a screen time on my tablet- after ALL THESE f---ING YEARS, if she does, i’m actually gonna be so pissed.
i can’t wait to see her, i miss her sm
i’m the f---ing a--hole, aren’t i…
making my mom cry because she’s worried about me…
i’m such a f---ing failure… -
i can’t get a job, i can’t get my license, i can’t get my f---ing life together…
f--- me, ig… -
i’m not an a--hole, i swear,
i’m terrified for my life and yet i’m doing nothing to change it…. -
i can’t go to the gym, i hate the gym
but i hate my body,
and i’ll never change my body if i never go to the gym,
and eat and drink and sleep right,
but i hate the gym, it’s terrifying and everyone’s gonna judge me-
but i need to go because i hate my body,
and i’m not supposed to hate my body, but i do… -
i’m supposed to have my life together, but guess f---ing what-
i don’t… -
i just graduated, and everyone expects me to have my life put together already.
expects me to have a job, and my license, and be thinking about what i want to do in life,
but i- i don’t, because i’m terrified… -
and i made my mom cry..
deffo not the first time, deffo won’t be the last time…
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