SOAP !!!!!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: SOAP !!!!!!!!!
Name: Nato
Age: 17
Looks: Red hair, green eyes. Huge, tall
Personality: Arrogant, Defiant and brave, Determined to win.
Weapons: Sword, hammer, mace. -
District 4
Hates Savera -
tori109 NoviceOk
Name : james
Age :17 (im 16)
weapon : sword, knives
looks : peeta! (Hes so cute)
Description: caring, innocent, protective, smart, charming
Weakness : me he likes me (yes :) -
haha okay countdown time:
9 -
6 -
2 -
Nato: Savera is going to be my first kill. She got a higher score than me. Time to die.
Me (Savera): Breathe, breathe. -
Can I join?
tori109 NoviceI look around at the other contestans and i see james, how could he say that at the interview , but i get it to be desierable. : jackie
I look to see jackie : james -
(@wolfy:yep mke a character and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.)
I run to the cornucopia, picking up a backpack with a sword, food, water purifyer, and some knives.I run towards the forest. -
Minata:I run straight to Masa, and help her carry what she's got. She also got me a bow and arrows, and we run into the forest toward a lake.
tori109 NoviceI do so i get the bow back pack and knives i kill 3: jackie
I grabb the sword and back pack i follow jackie into the forest : james -
I run to the cornucopia. As i get to my bag, Nato grabs it. He throws a dagger at me. It hits my leg. I fall to the floor. Next to me is a mace, i pick it up and hit Nato in the stomahe, he falls to the floor and i grab his bag and jet towards the water.
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