Might be gone for awhile
Thread Topic: Might be gone for awhile
Because it's getting so wild
i’m so sorry you’re going through this and having to deal with it entirely, it sounds so stressful and the way your mom is putting this on the entire family is a huge nope :( is everything holding up okay aside from that? i truly hope things get better and the fact your mom’s not even divorcing for a somewhat decent guy
My mental health wasn't great before the divorce stuff (the divorce just made it worse) but the worst part is how it's making my older sibling feel. They're not taking it well. I catch Jareth crying in random rooms in the house and saying they wish they'd never been born. The worst part is I can't tell my mom any of this because if I do she won't be sad she'll just be pissed off at us. She'll start a huge "I'm just the worst mom aren't I" rant or she'll throw the classic "you're taking his side"
Sorry for my vent/rant. I am just not doing well with all this -
I, for one, think you have a right to take his side, your mom isn't the worst ever, but she is certainly dreadful. and you have a right to rant/vent. the fact that your mom is tearing your family apart because she is so selfish she just wants her own happiness is wild, and the fact she is gonna guilt trip you about it is even more crazy. as for your sibling, be their for them. i guess thats what you can do.
horrible grammar, srry
be there for them**
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