SOAP !!!!!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: SOAP !!!!!!!!!
tori109 NoviceI get my arrow and ready it at minta :jackie
I watch : james
i let go and shoot hr fore arm then james and i jump to a different tre silently.:jackie (29 arrows)
we are completely covered no one can see us : james -
'Okay, do you wanna make camp here, Minata?' I ask.
He is about to say yes, but then he points up to the trees where the district twelve tributes are looking at us. -
(oops late p.s. minata is the boy masa is the girl)
'Minada! are you okay?'
He pulls out te arrow, then I help him wrap up the wound. -
tori109 NoviceWe both disapear in the trees : james and jackie
I put my surplies back in my bag. I load my arrow and shoot Nato right between his eyes. He falls. I jump down the tree and just to make sure he is dead i stab him. I burry his horrible weapons and take his surpiles.
we hear a cannon, and we start packing up our supplies. We move back towards the lake, hoping Nato is gone.
I run into the forest and I climb a tree. I tieysekf so I wouldn't fall then I went through my bag. There was a water purifier, a sword, 35 arrows and few other supplies. I hear rustling in the bushes and I stop breathing. Out comes the guy from district 1 (oh ya I'm in district 12) as he got closer I froze. He saw me and then I snapped and in a fast motion o shot him in the arm with an arrow. He ran off.
tori109 NoviceWe both hide in the trees i am better skilled at the bow, i hunted. 'Dang i thought he was nato: we disguised ourselves completely no one could see us no matter how hard they tried :jackie
I was nervous : james -
I look in his bag "A tent! Wow!" i say. Some binoculars and another water bottle.I stuff them in my bag and climb back up the tree.
I was freaking out because there was movement every where. So I stayed put in my tree.
We sit down at the beach by the lak, but we dont see anyone so we pull out the water purifyer and fill it up with water from the lake.
tori109 NoviceI realize i miscounted i have 44 arrows cool : jackie
"I wont last long without food. I can last on bark and the fish. But I need some meat" i say outloud. I lay down on the tree looking up.
'Hows your arm, Minada? I ask. It's bleeding alot, but hes okay.
tori109 NoviceI find a slerping bag in our backpacks : james and jackie
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