SOAP !!!!!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: SOAP !!!!!!!!!
'Minada! Shes gonna take it! Help!'
tori109 NoviceI see Savera but she doesn't see us :jackie
I see Severa too : james -
"Maybe this island wasn't a bad choise after all" i say to myself.
tori109 NoviceI glare at Violet i keep my bow ready : jackie
I shesth my sword : james -
When I saw whoever raised a bow I froze and started to back up. I forgot all about my bow and sword. Ivsaw other people staring at me and I froze where I was. Staring in fear. (Tori and I are from the same district) "help me..." I whispered.
I use my binoculars to see what is happening.
Minata turns around and sees the girl standing by their stuff, but he dosn't try to shoot. He goes to the shore nd points to her, then to their bags. He nods no. Then he points to the forest.
tori109 Novice(No james and i ae from 12 )
I was concealed she only bow.: jackie -
'D-dont hurt us palese!' I say to the girl.
I look at the guy and freeze. "I'm not going to take anything. I'm not like that..." I sat shaking my head.
tori109 NoviceI want to allience with them so i show them the sign with my hands : jackie
"Just kill her already. The Capitol is going metal" i whisper.
"and I'm not going to hurt you..." I say
I stare at the girl. ' dont?'
Minata walks over to her and writes in the sand:
Stay -
tori109 Novice"Allience?" I ask Severa :jackie
I hold my sword :.james
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