SOAP !!!!!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: SOAP !!!!!!!!!
tori109 NoviceIn the back pack they both have hunting knives, beef jerky, arrows, water purifyer and water, rope
I dive into the water and swim to the island in the middle.
Nato gets up and grabs a sword, mace and a hammer. He kills 4 tributes and swims after me. -
We hear some1 coming, and hide up in a tree. Its the girl from 4, and shes coming to the lake, to.
tori109 NoviceI get up into a tree and see james starring at me : jackie
I glare at her" can i come up?" : james
"Fine" we are from the same district: jackie -
There's a boy going after her. 'Do sometin, Minada!'
Minata:Takes a bow and arrow and hits Nato on his leg. -
"I'm COMING FOR YOU SAVERA!" i hear Nato shout. I looks behind and see him swiming after me.
Looks:jet black middle back length hair, violet colored eyes, tan, tall
Age: 16
Weapons: bow and arrow, sword
Personality: kind, charming, caring, a little competitive, will die for someone who I trust, trustworthy and loyal.)
I ran afast as I can away from the starting place after I got a backpack. -
tori109 NoviceI see Minta she has arrows "i need to get them from her " i think : jackie
I tie myself to the tree : james -
'we need to get away from the lake.' We climb down, and run in the opposite direction.
tori109 NoviceI look at all the arows i have - 30 that will last me a while : jackie
I see jackie count her arrows and tie herself to the tree : james -
Eventhough Nato is shot he still swims after me. I get to the island and run up a tree. Nato jumps at the tree, hes to big to climb.
tori109 Novice(Tw other soap)
We find a small clearing and spread out our supplies there. We hear alot of people running around us, but none of them see us.
tori109 NoviceI see Minta nearing i make the shh sign at james : jackie
I am quiet : james -
I climb higher up the tree and sit on a thick branch. I open my bag; Water bottle, purifier, rope, sleeping bag, medicine and matches. A bow and some arrows, Trident "Yes!" and 5 daggers.
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