The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
^I figured out a better plan lol
Anyways, I fell asleep with mascara on and now I have the biggest bags under my eyes, like I know I didn't sleep well but jesus christ-
It won't wash off aUgH
I love the girl who plays Dolly in the school musical
Her voice is the voice of an ANGEL, and she's so gorgeous in costume -
It's her dream to be on Broadway one day and lowkey I can see it happening. She's got the most incredible soprano voice, she's training in opera currently so she can project her voice more clearly and loudly, she's so pretty, incredible at acting, AND she has photographic memory (no joke, her first day in theater last year she was able to memorize a 24 lined poem in 2 minutes)
Kinda pissed off tho bc some kids from her old school bought tickets so they could record it and make fun of her. It didn't work because she was doing amazing and there was hardly anything they could poke fun at her for, and they got in trouble left early lol
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