The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
She's such a sweetheart, I had her back when I was like 10, and it was her first year teaching. She just gave me a big hug and starting talking about how happy I seem (last time she saw me I was really f---ing depressed) and asked if I was still friends with Miguire. It felt nice knowing she still remembers and cares about me
Guys I think my biology teacher is really disappointed in me lol
He found out I wanted to take a college course on teaching that's available to me next year (I had to use a teacher referral for the course, so I asked him if he'd help) and he literally just went "Lucas no, don't waste your life and talents on teaching a bunch of angsty teens please I'm begging you"
rightfully so lmao
as an angsty teen i say angsty teens are the worst -
Ok but ik I'll take a teaching course at some point in my life so I'd rather take one in High School to find out if I actually enjoy teaching or if I just enjoy the idea of it, instead of figuring that stuff out when I'm in college and in a TON of debt
And then if I end up really liking the job then I might take a couple more college courses once I'm an adult, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it
Anyways he agreed to be a referral so now I just have to wait and see if they admit me in or not
I'm pretty sure they would at least consider it since they check attendance more seriously than grades, and I've only missed 2 classes all year (One of which was to go on a field trip to see their college courses lmfao) -
Why does no one talk about how Caits betrayal to Vi in season 2 is a parallel to Vis betrayal to Powder in season 1
do people not realize the parallel or am I just on the wrong side of the internet
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