Manderoo~. c: That's my new nickname for you.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Manderoo~. c: That's my new nickname for you.
(Dude, I guess my Facebook got hacked, because it said I liked, like 50 things I didn't know existed. xD)
Jenifer leaned against the wall, waiting for the bell to ring. -
(:o That's not good! You can probably lock your account for a while or change the password.)
Silence hung in the air like a three hundred pound boulder, threatening to crush them both with its massiveness. Finally, his mother spoke.
"Are you hungry?"
The thought of food made him nauseous. "No..." -
(I did change it, I change it every week, now. At least that's all I think they did...)
Someone walked into the bathroom, Jenifer looked up to see who it was. -
(Oh, lordie. Must be someone who knows your password?)
His mother gave a small nod. "Okay. If you need me, I'll be doing the laundry." With that she stood up and left the room. The state at which her son was in was eating her alive, from the inside out. It tortured to see him nearing his end every day. -
(No ones does, I just changed it again, I made it long.)
Jenifer saw one of the girls who would bully her walk into the bathroom. She gulped. The girl, Miranda, didn't notice her yet. -
(Good. I just got back from dance class.)
Christopher shut his eyes, fatigue settling over him like a heavy blanket. -
Jenifer slowly and quietly walked into one of the stalks, just as she shut the door, Miranda looked back.
Miranda shrugged, thinking it was just some other idiot here to waste time. -
He was immediately swallowed by a cold, dreamless slumber. Only a pulsing numbness rang throughout him as he remained asleep.
Meanwhile, his mother lay in her room, staring at the ceiling. "Not my son... Not my son... Dear LORD... Not my son..." she whispered through tiny sobs. -
(Is it bad that I find joy in watching Saw death traps?)
Jenifer took in a breath, the last thing she need was to deal with an ass like Miranda. -
(I find joy in that too. You're not alone. So, no. It's not sad. Not sad at all.)
The blackness suddenly turned to a glaring white, so bright that he felt like cringing. Don't go into the light, Christopher. Anywhere but the light... -
(Okay good. xD Because when me and my friends watched Saw, I was trying not to laugh and smile, and they kept looking at me like I was going to kill them in their sleep. xD)
The bell finally rang, Jenifer ran out of the bathroom, to the front gates of the school. -
(x'D My friends fear me as well. They should know by now that little ol' Lana can't do anything to them. Brb, switching to iPod.)
(I know right? Same. xD Okay.)
(I have about 15 minutes before it dies. .-.)
His mother sighed raggedly before wiping th tears from her eyes. She stood up and reached underneath her pillow, pulling out the picture of Christopher she kept underneath it. In this still photograph, he was 15 years of age. He looked healthy, happy and alive. She relied on the happy memories to overpower the horrid present. She pressed the square of paper to her heart, shutting her eyes tightly.
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