Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I guess maybe I can add my music.
Three whole views...
So tiktok is back up, but I can't upload or download anything.
Also, unrelated, but it's been rather quiet and a bit lonely here.
And I wonder how Madi's shift went. -
Actually, they might still be at work. They said 12 hours, right?
Yes, I believe so.
I think I'll take a shower after dinner. Maybe it'll help me sleep tonight. A shower and then Love and Deepspace before bed might help me calm down.
I'm worried about my friend. Their discord status says they're in the hospital...
I don't know what to do now. I'm overwhelmed.
There's nothing I can do, really.
Things keep happening today that I can't fix.
I don't want any more things to happen.
Okay. They're not in mortal danger or mental danger, so that's good. Just a weird thing that happened.
I feel a little bit better, but thinking about everything that's happened today has me dizzy.
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