Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I want everything to be okay. That's all.
Big hug for myself. It'll be okay some day.
How far is heaven?
Today, i rememberd to journal. Well, I'm about to.
I did journal. I went on a bit of a tangent with the lore of how we ended up here today.
Got my first subscriber. It's my friend, but still.
So, new plan. I need to shower while dinner is in the over. Had a heating mishap.
We still need to be clean for work tomorrow despite wanting to sit and do nothing for a few hours.
I took a shower.
Somehow, i don't feel accomplished.
I often wonder if my parents love me...
My dad doesn't say it. My mom does, but I don't know...
I don't really feel special anymore. I used to when I was little.
I feel sad now...
I used to get hugs and cuddles and told evedy day that I was beautiful. But one day, all of that stops. Now I feel like the only time anyone would ever do that is if I were married. Maybe that's why I wish I wasn't alone. I mean, It's also been a dream for me to get married because I don't want to be alone forever.
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