Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I have an idea for the name of a song, but I don't know what the tune would be yet.
Today is making me sad, but I guess it's fine? I don't know.
I disappeared for a bit.
I've decided that I'm going to upload my music as soon as I make the cover art. If I wait any longer, I'll never upload it. I just feel like it's not as cool as it could be.
Today, my music doesn't sound as bad as I thought it did.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't even know what i just drew, but it's good enough.
I think i broke it.
Finished my cover art. It's nothing interesting.
Forgot about that small little tiny detail.
Guess I'll be making a Facebook account. But Facebook never gets any attention.
Facebook and Twitter. If I make a Discord, I don't know where to advertise.
My video got one view.
I think I'm too shy to share my music here.
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