Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I have until Sunday afternoon to figure something out...
Yep. My internet is going to get cut off.
They just took the payment so I can't even ask for them to do it later now. I literally just need three dollars, and it's really bothering me.
Life can always get worse. Don't ask how.
If I'm going to be locked out of music and everything else I use to cope, I should probably prepare myself for that. Music is my biggest coping mechanism, and I don't have an mp3 player yet. Any time I'm online, I'm probably listening to music. That's what I use the internet for more than anything. I'll also be really lonely because I won't see any other signs of life.
Just hurrying to download music, but i won't be able to download enough in time.
What should I do while I'm gone?
I don't have anything to watch or do.
I wish I had friends to visit.
I have lunch for today, but will I even eat it? I'm too anxious about other things.
My Persona 3 shirt is here.
They butchered it.
Worrying about things I can't change.
If i had my leapster, I would still okay Pet Pals. It was my favorite game.
Why does this keep happening?
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