Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I should start downloading different types of music to make sure all the alters have at least one song they like so we can listen to it offline when I don't have internet.
I'm shy, melancholic, and usually anxious, but i promise I don't bite...
I haven't been in a good place. Something was very triggering today, but Onyx blocked it so hard that the memory is gone.
I would like to be friends, but i don't think I'm a good friend. I never message people.
I just either get really depressed, don't want to bother them, or I'm too shy.
This is me trying.
My name is Wysteria. I'm a trauma holder for the body. I process and deal with anxiety as well. I am full of anxiety, myself, very introverted, quiet, and a little melancholic. My pronouns are she/her. I resonate with quiet music and binaural beats. My favorite song is an acoustic guitar cover of "Endless Possibility" by Emi Jones. My favorite colors are deep violet and dark indigo. Please feel free to talk to me if you want to. I promise I'm very gentle.
I keep sneezing. Does that mean someone's talking about me?
I feel lonely.
I really appreciated breakfast this morning. I don't know if I would've gotten through the day otherwise.
I can't think of any other songs to download right now.
I don't know what that word means.
I made plans to do things tonight and I'm actually doing nothing. Once again, I don't have the motivation. But, I'm staying up longer than I did last night, so I guess that's something.
I don't know, world. Am I okay?
Nothing wrong with that, I also tell myself that I will do this but end up doing nothing
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