Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
GTQ just refreshed without me touching anything. -
I was in the middle of writing something and then it just refreshed.
Today is my shower day, but I don't feel motivated to shower.
Someone's listening to this.
I wish I could sing.
I feel like a lot is going on right now. Multiple people are trying to do things. I just need one, please.
Great. I'm doomed.
Three dollars short because the stupid Amazon charge that I shouldn't have gotten. Now I won't have internet. All I needed was three f---ing dollars.
Maybe I can just tell them to wait until Monday to charge me...
I don't even know why they haven't taken the payment yet.
I had everything planned out, I had the money, I didn't overspend, and then some random payment happens and I'm short by a few dollars. Of course this is how my life has to be.
I need my internet Monday so I can get bills paid before other automatic transactions take away from that.
Now I'm just inwardly panicking and depressed.
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