Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Ironically, Jayfeather had a thread that was called Tea Time. It was advertising for a server, I believe, but that in itself was crazy.
Gonna stay off discord for a minute because my friend is listening to some very questionable songs and I can see their Spotify-
The fact that a certain musician guilty of things still has subscribers is beyond me. Like, huh?
I'm gonna have a super fun night. Gotta make sure I stay up and do things. Don't want to let the chance slip away this time.
I hate when my lip splits while I'm yawning.
Just about time for therapy. I hope I don't dissociate this time so I can remember what we talked about.
At any rate, I should've bookmarked that page.
Nothing much was said. Just told the therapist about my week.
I feel spaced out now. I have more therapy later.
My brain is loading. . .
I feel quite comfortable under the cover with my heating pad.
I am processing.
I am tired, but i do not wish to sleep right now.
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