Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Hopefully the update will make my computer run smoother.
I am truly in love with the idea of going back to school and staying on campus. It makes me excited to think about it. However, my only complaint is getting shoved with a roommate. For hygiene reasons, I'm uncomfortable with that. Gender reasons aside....
Despite whichever college I end up at, I need to figure out in advance what classes I want to take. I already have prerequisite classes that I need to take, but I'll need a few more in order to be fulltime.
It's all I'm looking forward to this year. I'd have a chance at making friends and maybe even meeting someone.
Nervous. I just wish I could apply right now, but I have to wait for my next check. It's going to be a long week.
Literally consumes my mind.
Next semester doesn't start until August, which sucks. Maybe in the meantime, I'll get to tour the campus one of these days.
Watch this...
*Does nothing*
You actually watched, didn't you? -
I'm quietly having anxiety because I want to know if I get approved for Fasfa, and I want to know if I'll make it into uni...
I want to know all there is to worry about.
I need to distract myself with something.
I could go back to writing that song. I'm almost finished with it.
I've been working a lot on music. Obsessed to get something right. I don't know.
I've been obsessively stressing over a lot in life, lately. Just how it's been. Not sure why.
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