Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Should I try to write a song? Maybe we'll come up with something that jumps off the page.
The first song was started with a random tune and random words. Maybe this time I should have a subject in mind.
I can feel that she's still here...
One hour to midnight. Not even sleepy.
I like this.
There's a shadow in the corner of my room
Is that the reaper? Is he here to take me soon? -
Still not it.
Like, that's another nice song and all, but that's still not the one.
I should probably go to bed.
I just woke up with a headache. Maybe it's the way I propped my head up.
I wish they were actually worth something. I have so many of them. Sucks.
I can't find the original ones anywhere now.
I liked those ones better. The new ones all look weird.
Childhood nostalgia is real, man.
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