Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Um, here you go, world. You didn't ask for this, but just something I'm working on...
I personally don't like the song. :(
Thought it was good for all of two seconds. I mean, it's decent, but it's not that cool. Hopefully when I turn it into an instrumental it'll sound good.
The music is coming along, now.
Random anxiety...
I don't like feeling like this.
I don't know what to do. I can't breathe.
It's hard to try to stay present. I keep getting the urge to stare off. I'm starting to feel outside myself and I don't know who I am...
I think we're okay now. Not sure what that was about.
You know, Aszerè hasn't been here for a minute. I was kind of expecting him when it got really stressful, but I think he must be exhausted. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but sometimes, it feels like a certain alter is supposed to front but they just don't, and then someone less experienced in the situation has to front. That's how I came around. Aszerè didn't want to handle the situation and nobody else knew what to do.
Once again, I don't remember much of today. I need to check to make sure Harmony didn't order anything like last time. The money is for a bill.
Nothing ordered.
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