Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I want to look for things for school so I'll look cute.
I'll have to wait until next week to put in my application for uni, but wish me luck, okay? I really want to be accepted into this school
I feel motivated to go back to songwriting, but I can't record lyrics, which stinks. I kinda want to be a ghostwriter for someone.
I think that's the only way my music will get out there right now. I don't have friends to get into music with.
Good luck on the uni application
Also what things are you looking for for school -
Clothes! I really love clothes. I want to look cute for school.
There’s a lot of nice clothes on yesstyle I recommend looking on there
They also have great makeup and skincare -
Ooo! I'll check it out! ♡
Shipping takes a bit though
I’m in the uk and im going to assume it comes from Asia because it probably does and I ordered a toner which took a month to arrive -
I should order makeup. I just usually don't have the patience to put it on or take it off. But I really want to look nice for school.
What sort of makeup products are you looking for
Like a foundation or lip gloss or something else -
I want to try foundation, but my skin isn't clear, so I have to find some that's acne friendly.
Tirtir has very nice cushion foundations
The pink cushion is high coverage and matte
The orange one is in between as in its in the middle of matte and glowy
The silver one is glowy and lower coverage(it’s like second skin)
The crystal/clear one is glowy and has very low coverage
And you might have seen the red one but don’t get that one it oxides badly -
The orange one is new but it’s my favorite and I’ve used them all
Second is the silver cushion -
by this point i've completely given up on wearing makeup, i go completely natural most of the time because i'm scared of this so-called "makeup blindness" and doing it "wrong". i know it takes practice but i just want my makeup to be perfect instagram baddie instantly
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