Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
Okay, that dream was bad.
Of course my internet isn't working.
We can try working more today.
My internet is really doing poorly today.
The signal is just bad today.
In other news, we finished the song. Still won't be a debut song, but it's a finished song to add to the channel.
I'm really craving California rolls...
I'll have some more ramen for lunch. I've just been eating a lot of ramen lately.
Okay. Time to listen to the song one more time to hear the overall...
...I messed up the end of it, but you actually can't tell.
Now I need it to be able to fade out.
This is a pretty decent song too.
Should I go ahead and upload the first song I finished? I really don't think it's all that great.
I think I'm just self-conscious to share my original work, because I don't have problems sharing remixes I do.
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