Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
I forgot to mention this yesterday but yesterday in history we had to pause our lesson on medieval Europe which I’m currently fixated on because a big spider crawled onto the whiteboard -
noooo not the spider how aussiecore of you
It’s so aussiecore of me
The day before there was a small bug that was walking across the digital tv whiteboard thing and it was hot so the tv thing was overheated and the bug was like drawing on the tv and we barely got any work done because we were looking at the bug’s drawing
There are a lot of bugs in my history classroom -
ew that's not good- i hate bugs so much
like don't get me wrong I love certain types of bugs (cavetown fans don't hurt me please) but not when they're iNsiDe
If they’re harmless and not coming near me or in my room I’m fine with them lmao
Unless they’re cockroaches those things are freaky asf -
yeah no if i see one in the house unless it's a ladybug or something i'm freaking out
If it’s a scary one and it’s in my room I’m deep cleaning for the entire day but the rest of the house is fine. Unless it’s a moth I like moths
The slogan for a local bakery is “pride baked into every loaf” and I personally do like my bread gay
yayyyy gay bread
yes we love gay bread
my favorite kind
mine too fr fr
It’s weird bc my parents are always like “you’re too addicted to your phone” to me but I can’t go out to lunch or hang out with them without them constantly being on their phones like
In “hurricane” Hamilton says ‘I couldn’t seem to die’ the second time burr says ‘wait for it’ and I think that’s so funny
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