Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
When your menstrual depression hits you in the middle of your seasonal depression in the middle of your regular depressive episodes
But I’m starting school again in two days so hopefully the seasonal depression turns into burnout :D
help all of that is so real tho-
Real like new achievement unlocked ig
School tomorrow
I kinda have high hopes for this term and kinda not -
At least it’s only a three day week this week
My hours on school days wi be very out of whack lmao idk when I’ll be on and stuff but the good thing is that school finishes earlier
Especially on Mondays since I can leave earlier on those days -
I hate the “pretty without glasses” trope so much oh my god
I remember in like 3rd grade when I was a lil girly girl I took off my glasses to clean them and my friend was like “you look weird without glasses” AKSJSNWISHFBJSW
Everyone in primary school told me I looked weird without glasses because I wore them all the time do you know how sad I was that I was not one of those pretty without glasses geek girls f--- you disney -
Like tell me I’m ugly without telling me I’m ugly 😔
phhhhht the pretty without glasses trope needs to die the only time it was funny was with Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
nah according to Disney you need to have glasses then take them off to be pretty /j
Real what even made it become a thing because everyone I’ve seen wearing glasses without them just turn blind not extremely beautiful
I had Vegemite on toast this morning which was the most Australian thing I could’ve done to kick off the school year
I love it when my radio station plays all the lesbian music at once
not finished the day yet but i actually really like my teachers so far and my class is actually ok so far
ive got a friendo in english and im tryna befriend this new girl in most of my core classes but i fear she thinks im a boy lmao -
i gave her a sticker tho so next time i have science i might try and talk to her
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