Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Idk if they’re all homophobic but they are all generic cis boys so take that as you will (you’re annoying when you tell me to stop sending Hamilton gyatt memes) -
phhht makes sense (you're annoying when you send me Hamilton gyatt memes so I think I'm allowed to be annoying back) -
(Does that mean I can go back to sending pictures of pasta)
(i'll block you)
(Noooo ok fine what about garlic bread)
I haven’t gotten any emails for my band timetable which is somewhat worrying bc I don’t wanna miss the first session of band lmao
I hope I’m in the same group as last time with the same teacher -
I hate how people are always like “hAzEl iS sO iNnOcEnT sHe wOuLd NeVeR sWeAr” when she canonically got her mouth washed out for swearing and spent a year with Alaskan soldiers. Hazel swears stfu
no bc it's the exact opposite for Alex Fierro, like people will think he's the kinda guy to swear about everything when in reality he doesn't like swearing that much (as opposed to Magnus who swears over every inconvenience)
I haven’t read Magnus Chase but real
Like Hazel has never been described as innocent in the books shes a badass especially in TOA -
you should read it it's glorious
LITERALLY- they just mix her up with Frank, same as why people think Piper sucks, they mix her up with Jason -
Real Frank is baby (except the part where he f---ing dies then comes back to life)
A good way to get rid of headaches is to lay in bed for like 40 minutes
I’m so confused right now do Americans call jam jelly or do they still call the gelatine thing jelly and the clumpy fruit stuff in jars jam
Gonna be honest, some of us just use jam and jelly interchangeably
Thanks lmao at least I know why I’m confused now
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