Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
A pet peeve I have is when people draw mermaids with knees
Like their tail does not simply fold like knees do they don’t act like legs there aren’t legs inside the tail it’s a fish tail so it will have the anatomy of a fishtail
But I love the mermaids based on different types of fish like koi mermaids, orca mermaids, jellyfish mermaids, etc they’re so scrumptious -
what the frick frack patty whack is that omg
That’s not even a tail just two scaly legs with fins instead of feet wtf disney
Anyway I did a koi fish mermaid drawing that DOES NOT HAVE KNEES and I like it
why do no picrews look like adults
most of the picrews are anime style which im fin4 with but they all look either 5 or 15 and i need a picrew for a plus size adult female (and its like a japanese app i think idk so makes sense but ughhhhh) -
I just found this on temu what the sigma
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