Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
they replaced enrichment with "personal development" which so far is the only class im with anyone i dont like
not sure what personal development is but its the only class im with my core class which has my ex friends in -
its the only class im in (so far) that will be rlly triggering and sucky but its only once a week so
i hate my timetable so much its so consistent
my timetable last year made sense but this year none of my classes are in the same session twice -
it'll be like enrichment but enrichment will be every two weeks and the core class thing will be when enrichment isnt which is ok ig
new page
note to self theres a music meeting thing tomorrow at first lunch in the music block -
omg i hate this core class so much im surrounded by rats
and im stuck with this core class until i finish high school goddamn -
So uh in conclusion today was ok like 6/10
The year 7s are so short this year
I’m sorry but in what world are we living in where Ben And Jerry’s is helping plan protests like
This is why I always go to Ben And Jerry’s -
This year is already wild so far
The best thing about today will probably be band if we end up having it
At least I won’t end up sitting alone for the first lunch -
hru doing?
Not so great but that's probably just back to school stuff. You?
i was the first to finish in math and got a koala sticker :)
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