Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
The foreshadowing in it is crazy like augh what
And in “Say No To This” Hamilton is like ‘that’s when I begun to pray, lord show me how to say no to this’ and in “Hurricane” he goes ‘when my prayers to god were met with indifference’ ASDFGHJKL -
Love how this is on this page number
mwahaha it's perfect
fr fr it fits the song “Say No to This” so well-
so, so well
might rewatch Kiki's Delivery Service or My Neighbour Totoro tomorrow bc i know those have happy endings and are nice comfort films and i do not have the mental capacity for another sad movie (cough GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES IM STILL NOT OVER IT)
i'll watch The Wind Rises next week maybe but i know it has a sad ending (f---ing spoilers from yt) -
lets play "did i drink dish soap or does my tummy feel weird from nervousness"
alexi if you drank dish soap-
only like a 50% chance i did :)
actually its more like 70 but it was mixed with water so im fiiine
Oh to be a rainbow mantis shrimp
suddenly i’m so hungry for shrimp
but wow I just looked that up, what a beautiful creature
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