Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
(yw i mean i look like a gay member of the Beatles so you're fine)
(HELP I was not expecting that-)
(i mean i look more like a member of the beatles when it straighten my hair bc its more curly but yk what i mean)
(yeah i do lmao)
(yes indeed)
note to self im INFJ-T
its so hooooooooooot ughhhhhhh
f---ing australia -
heeeey INFP over here :D
dude it's actually really nice weather here for the first time in forever so take that -
Hey pookieeee :D
Goddamn it it’s so humid and hot here I’m dying -
Im also infp pfft- also yeah it was like 68 today
It’s been like 33 Celsius for three days straight it’s so annoying. That plus humidity is the worsttt -
ewwww humidity sucks I can agree with that
nah cuz like why can't I breath when its humid tho
Fr it’s always humid here but it’s just been more of you know what I mean
I’ve gotten used to it I just hate sweating, I’m getting a heat rash too because we’re spending so much time outside -
dang. humidity is like being underwater and just inhaling it. its cold here.
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