Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Real and that combined with heat just sucks. I’d take the cold over this any day tbh
Chat did I cook (it’s Alexander Hamilton) -
yes you did
bruh i have swimming first up
lets hope the headache pills work so i can actually focus for the rest of the day because chlorine is not sigma -
i mean i get to miss half of math for music so
swimming did suck but i think me actually eating this lunch will help
i have the same PE teachers as last year and theyre really nice so they just let me and my swimming buddies sit out if we get tired because we're unfit and suck at swimming -
because we're unfit and suck at swimming* -
ok but who actually holds the pencil correctly
i remember in 3rd grade when our teacher made us hold our pencils up to make sure we were holding it correctly
i faked holding it correctly then switched it when she wasnt looking lmao
everyone i show looks at me like im psycho -
Wait hang on what's the correct way to hold a pencil
I have a quadropod grip according to google-
with like three fingers its w e i r d
i hold it with all my fingers idk what its called but its definitely wrong -
hang on i do it with three fingers
all the images for holding a perfect pencil on google are right handed so I can't figure out if I'm doing it 'correctly' or not lmao
That’s so real lmao
I can’t find any pictures that do it the same way I do it so ig I’m special
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