Thread Topic: br0wnie
i went on an even longer tangent lol sorry. but yeah. it feels like i’m stuck trying to find joy in the little things like these pretzels
I feel that in my soul 😭
I have done the same thing. I grew up and my parents taught me the habit of 'window-shopping', which I never understood as a kid. Now as an adult, I realize it was essentially look at these things you can't have. I keep trying to push myself, and tell myself I at least want to own my home, rather than renting. That itself seems unattainable. Working at the casino doesn't help with these thoughts, because we literally watch people blow threw thousands of dollars in a 1-2 day trip. Like, can ya'll help a human out? 😭😭 -
ugggh the gap between the rich and poor frustrates me too!!! it’s like their own untouchable world
now that you mention the window-shopping thing, i realize i do this a lot more than i thought LMAO. my sister says when we go to the store together she can’t focus on her shopping list because i’m always pointing out things i see and saying stuff like “oh that’s really cute” -
and the celebrities who make millions of dollars for… posting on instagram. WHAT? i’m doing manual labor for 12 hours and i get 200 dollars WITHOUT TAX
sorry i feel like i’m giving very “this isn’t fair” in a childish sort of way but it actually really isn’t!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pay isn't even fair, and that's what gets me too. $200 isn't even enough to live on, especially with rent prices and inflation. All of the jobs at the casino are tipped, they just don't let their customer base know that.
I often think about how much celebrities make, and part of me wishes I could live that life-style, but honestly the more I think about it; I just want to afford groceries, and my own home. Nothing lavish.
I 100% agree with you. It's really not fair. We work our asses off for corporations that couldn't care less, and CEO's who make more than we do sitting in an office all day talking about 'pay-cuts' and 'what's best for the team'. -
right. it feels like somehow someway, there will be exploitation of some kind involved if you’re rich in america. i don’t want to partake in that either, or have my character and appearance constantly criticized by the public. i just think if you work around full-time you should be able to pay your bills AND live a good fulfilling life. 40 hours used to be able to support a family, and today its just barely enough for myself
I agree. Having basic utilities shouldn't throw you into pay-check to pay-check range. My significant other recently got a job, and with the bills that we have we still have to utilize resource that our bank has, but even that has downfalls. In order for us to be 'above debt' we still have to put ourselves in debt. It's a vicious cycle. Living and sustaining yourself shouldn't be this hard.
You should be able to live comfortably, and have a little bit of cushion for unexpected emergencies. -
i guess all we can say for now is, f--- it we ball
Secretly I wanna overthrow the government, just don't tell anyone o.l
that would be nice and i’m sure there’s a lot of people who feel the same but nobody’s really seriously suggesting/planning it at least that i’ve seen
maybe the government wants the brainrot -
I made a petition on to remove trump from office once lol and since the situation is getting worse it would probably need to be reformed
oh for sure, dismantle it all
i know i was upset about getting sent home early yesterday but today i just can’t wait to go home
Why did you get sent home?
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