Ren Amamiya's Profile
Ren Amamiya
Joined on Dec 14, 2023
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
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Ren Amamiya's Recent Posts
"Now i feel nauseous..."
"I want to sleep. My head hurts so much."
"Idk chat. I don't think this'll end well..."
"I have a headache."
"I feel like Morgana right now..."
"Tonight's going to suck.... He fell asleep on me. And the other one never answered me... I really need to find folks to hang wit"
"Why did I used to like this song? 🤣"
"The kudos system made me a drifter. 😎 I just liked getting kudos. The time attacks were insane, though."
"Only the real ones remember Project Gotham Racing..."
"I wonder juat how often Truth is here. They seem like a nice person. I could use some more friends."
"Look, I know it's old, but "Because I'm Awesome" by Dollyrots is a favorite."
"I mean, Roger is more chaotic than anything. Quagmire is evil no matter what way you put it. 🤣 Then again, Herbert is pretty close, to"
"Oh. Yay."
"Quagmire. End of story."
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