Thread Topic: br0wnie
lack of labor needed supposedly
Ah. I've been leaving early on Tuesdays because those are the slowest of the week and my boss keeps scheduling everyone we have on Tuesdays smh
yeah some bosses will just reprint the schedule from last week lazy asses
*cricket noises*
i’ll probably respond to my rp’s tomorrow y’all today was exhausting
Get some rest.
i can't possibly be the only person in the world who divides activities between "task" and "not task"
"task" being s--- i have to do, "not task" is when i get enjoyment out of it -
cheyenne's definitely sweating rn
nah reminds me of this
"who did this? who killed all those people? astrid? metus?"
"cheyeeeeeeeeeene? " -
nah that's so real though
love the co-op matching feature actually, takes the pressure out of finding a group
for genshin i mean
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