Thread Topic: br0wnie
do you mean this one -
*nodding aggressively through my tears* (4 the linking part, it would b nice if i could bcz me be on flipphone)
thought I could help lol
why do I never read the posts you guys I need caffiene
I need 2 sleep antidepressants and not to sh...
got it
my lips got chapped out of nowhere
if i do the warrior cats group rp i might contain all the characters within one clan, doing multiple clans with this many people seems too ambitious
night night
sorry i lied this is my last post tonight tho
kinda crazy how some users who have been here for years just drop off after some random conversational post
like SG115 or timmothy4444, or others. they’ll be in the middle of a convo and just, bye. gone for 5-10 years at least. no announcement nothing lol -
yeah I've seen a lot of that
ope so newjeans lost
can’t say i’m entirely surprised but what now
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