Thread Topic: br0wnie
yeah past me can go f--- themselves
this is so many clothes
I hope you can get them sorted
Good luck! ❤ -
thank you :) i feel like getting started is always easier than the task itself
oops i mean *always harder. i’m bad at not proofreading
I understand that 100%
i got it done and wow my closet looks so much better
i also picked up some chinese takeout
i’m kinda sad tho cause they're closing permanently this weekend
what are they even gonna put in its place -
gonna get to the rp stuff after i eat
should i make my character the concerned voice of reason or the literal exact opposite 🤔
okay finally got that done
If I RP two characters, I love making them polar opposites 😅
Can any one unlock my thread I really need to vent. (I know that I said 26th of april but 4get dat)
Can anyone unlock my thread I really need to vent. (I know that I said 26th of april but 4get dat)
sorry which thread is it? I’m looking for it rn but if you have a link that would make things easier thank u
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