Thread Topic: br0wnie
so varesa has the same va as rover, and mizuki has the same va as yinlin, huh.
i like the way varesa sounds better than rover, but yinlin over mizuki
WAIT BROWNIE- i wanted to ask to confirm, the post you started with in the rp is like, the day of the incident, right??
that's right! i thought it would be interesting to write out how that all develops, is that ok?
the smell of a campfire and a warm summer breeze
With S'Mores (if you like them!) -
LOVE s'mores, and i love burnt marshmallows
mmm that crispy black shell is the best
Hands down my favorite part of a Smore
okay that's what i thought, i just wanted to be sure before i write out a long ass response lmaoo
i'll have to get to my response later, unfortunately :'))
no problem take your time!
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